Fee Schedule
Septic Systems
When plan review by the State Health Department is required, either by TAHD or Health Code Regulation ( flows over 2000 gallon/day ), the plan submittal must be made through the TAHD.
The standard application procedure should be followed along with the following additions:
(At least three sets of the design plans should be submitted with the completed application)
A check made payable to: Treasurer, State of Connecticut
Mobile Food Vendors
Mobile Food Vendor License Fee: $275
Plan Review Fee is dependent on Risk Category (see above under "Food Service Establishments")
- Soil Testing Fee: $150
- Subdivision Review per lot: $150
- Plan Review (New): $250
- Plan Review (Repair): $250
- Permit to Construct: $150
- Septic Tank Replacement: $50 (+ Permit to Construct)
- House Sewer, Distribution Box(es), Distribution pipe: $50
- Plan Revision Review: $50 (after 2nd revision)
- Change of Design: $250
- Septic Permit Renewal: $50 (with letter from engineer indicating no changes to the plan are necessary)
- Septic Permit Renewal: $150 (if changes to the plan are necessary)
- Habitable Space: $55
- Non-Habitable Space: $35
- Septic Feasibility (B100a study): $150 (includes building addition fee of $55.00)
When plan review by the State Health Department is required, either by TAHD or Health Code Regulation ( flows over 2000 gallon/day ), the plan submittal must be made through the TAHD.
The standard application procedure should be followed along with the following additions:
(At least three sets of the design plans should be submitted with the completed application)
A check made payable to: Treasurer, State of Connecticut
- New System: $500
- System Repair: $100
- TAHD Review Fee: $250
- Private Swimming Pools: $55
- Public Pools Registration: $200 plus ($50 per additional pool)
- Family Campground Registration: $100 + $0.50/site (fee is exclusive of pools or food operation)
- State Licensed Youth Camps: $100 (Food License Fee)
- Well Permit: $175
- Well Abandonments / Extend Casing: $25
- Deepening of Existing Well - $25
- Hydrofracture Permit: $25
- Geothermal Well(s) Permit: $150/site
- Well Evaluation: $100/hr. portal to portal (cross connection field visit)
- Compliance Inspection - $100
- Infirmary Inspection: $100
- Facility Inspection: $75/hr. portal to portal
- Plan Review Fee: $150
- Hair Salon License: $55 (1 Station)
- Nail Salon License: $100 (1 station)
- Each additional station: $10
- Late fee for Annual License: $10/business day ($250 Max)
- Risk Category 1: $175
- Risk Category 2: $275
- Risk Category 3: $400
- Risk Category 4: $500
Mobile Food Vendors
Mobile Food Vendor License Fee: $275
Plan Review Fee is dependent on Risk Category (see above under "Food Service Establishments")