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The Connecticut Guide to Emergency Preparedness is a comprehensive guide aimed at educating and preparing individuals and families for emergency situations. The guide provides information on how to plan for emergencies, what supplies should be kept on hand, how to create a communication plan with loved ones, and what steps to take during and after an emergency. [Learn More]
The mission of the Region 5 Regional Emergency Planning Team (REPT) is to enhance the capability of member municipalities to respond to disasters and emergencies and provide timely and effective mutual aid when needed. The REPT determines the most efficient and effective use of federal Homeland Security Grant funds with regards to equipment procurement, planning and training. [Learn More]
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is a government agency in the United States that is responsible for coordinating the response to disasters that occur within the country. The agency provides assistance to individuals and communities affected by disasters, including financial assistance, temporary housing, and counseling services. [Learn More]
The Connecticut State Emergency Preparedness and Response Department is responsible for planning and coordinating emergency management activities in the state in the event of a disaster or emergency situation. This includes developing emergency plans, coordinating response efforts, and providing timely and accurate information to the public and stakeholders during emergencies. [Learn More]
The Connecticut State Emergency Preparedness Checklist is designed to help individuals and families prepare for emergencies and disasters in the state of Connecticut. The checklist provides guidance on essential items that should be included in a preparedness kit, such as food, water, and important documents. It also provides tips on developing an emergency plan and staying informed during an emergency through various channels. [Learn More]
The State of Connecticut Radiological Emergency Preparedness program is responsible for planning and preparedness activities related to a radiological emergency within the state. Coordinating with state and federal agencies, this program is designed to protect the public during an emergency related to radioactive materials or substances. [Learn More]
The Connecticut State Child Emergency Preparedness Committee (CEPC) is a group formed to promote preparedness for children and families in the State of Connecticut. The committee is made up of representatives from various organizations, including the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, the Department of Children and Families, and the Department of Public Health, among others. [Learn More]
The Connecticut State Emergency Preparedness for Older Adults and People with Disabilities is an initiative aimed at promoting preparedness for the state's older adults and individuals with disabilities in the event of an emergency or disaster. The initiative provides resources and guidance to help individuals prepare for and respond to emergencies. [Learn More]
The Family Assistance Center Plan CT DEMHS Region 5 ESF #8 Healthcare Coalition is a plan developed by the Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP) to provide guidance for authorities in responding to public health emergencies and to outline the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders. [Learn More]
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Radiation Emergencies program provides guidance and resources for responding to emergency situations involving radiation. In the event of a radiological emergency, the CDC works closely with other federal and state agencies, and health organizations & local officials to coordinate an effective response. [Learn More]
The Eversource Power Outage Map is a tool that displays real-time information on power outages across the Eversource service area. The map shows the location of outages, the number of customers affected and the estimated time when power is expected to be restored. The tool can be accessed through the Eversource website by entering a specific address or zip code. [Learn More]